AMS Mine Warfare Ships
We offer Custom Embroidered Apparel for almost every ship in the United States Navy. You can buy Polo shirts, T-shirts, Sweaters, Jackets, Ball Caps, Hoodies and more! Here you can find merchandise for the following ships: USS Albatross AMS-1, USS Bobolink AMS-2, USS Bunting AMS-3, USS Cardinal AMS-4, USS Condor AMS-5, USS Courser AMS-6, USS Crow AMS-7, USS Curlew AMS-8, USS Flicker AMS-9, USS Firecrest AMS-10, USS Flamingo AMS-11, USS Goldfinch AMS-12, USS Grackle AMS-13, USS Grosbeak AMS-14, USS Grouse AMS-15, USS Gull AMS-16, USS Hawk AMS-17, USS Heron AMS-18, USS Hornbill AMS-19, USS Hummer AMS-20, USS Jackdaw AMS-21, USS Kite AMS-22, USS Lark AMS-23, USS Linnet AMS-24, USS Magpie AMS-25, USS Merganser AMS-26, USS Mockingbird AMS-27, USS Osprey AMS-28, USS Ostrich AMS-29, USS Parakeet AMS-30, USS Partridge AMS-31, USS Pelican AMS-32, USS Plover AMS-33, USS Redhead AMS-34, USS Sanderling AMS-35, USS Swallow AMS-36, USS Swan AMS-37, USS Verdin AMS-38, USS Waxbill AMS-39, USS Chatterer AMS-40, USS Barbet AMS-41, USS Brambling AMS-42, USS Brant AMS-43, USS Courlan AMS-44, USS Crossbill AMS-45, USS Egret AMS-46, USS Fulmar AMS-47, USS Lapwing AMS-48, USS Lorikeet AMS-49, USS Nightingale AMS-50, USS Reedbird AMS-51, USS Rhea AMS-52, USS Robin AMS-53, USS Ruff AMS-54, USS Seagull AMS-55, USS Turkey AMS-56, USS Redpoll AMS-57, USS Siskin AMS-58, USS Bittern AMS-69, USS Chukor AMS-70, USS Dotterel AMS-72, USS Bluebird AMS-121, USS Cormorant AMS-122, USS Falcon AMS-190, USS Frigate Bird AMS-191, USS Hummingbird AMS-192, USS Jacana AMS-193, USS Kingbird AMS-194, USS Limpkin AMS-195, USS Meadowlark AMS-196, USS Parrot AMS-197, USS Peacock AMS-198, USS Phoebe AMS-199, USS Redwing AMS-200, USS Shrike AMS-201, USS Spoonbill AMS-202, USS Thrasher AMS-203, USS Thrush AMS-204, USS Vireo AMS-205, USS Warbler AMS-206, USS Whippoorwill AMS-207, USS Widgeon AMS-208, USS Woodpecker AMS-209, USS Albatross AMS-289, USS Gannet AMS-290